Dr. Chan, Vincent ( Founding Chairman )
Chiropractic Doctors' Association of Hong Kong
醫ZONE - 陳允灝
全部專欄, 醫ZONE, 水枕頭以外的選擇
怎樣好的枕頭也只是保持頸椎健康的其中一種輔助品,若已發現頸部有毛病,就應先找脊醫檢查,把脊骨錯位問題解決,才能發揮它的功效。 作者為註冊脊醫
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分享日報 am730 - 陳允灝脊醫 ( 香港執業脊醫協會 主席 )
Share am730 - Dr. Chan, Vincent ( Chairman )
Chiropractic Doctors' Association of Hong Kong
CleverPillow - Self-adjusting Pillow
Calculation Method

Calculation Method 1:
Place foot at level
1. Available in general ruler
Measuring from lateral neck to the shoulder on the end of the axillary above shoulder (Amount of 4.5" inches equal to the size of 4.5").
2.Within two meters, please select the small size.
3. For the patients with cervical spondylosis and chiropractors we will recommend to use one meter or even less.
Calculation Method 2:
Suitable Weight ( for reference only )
Model Size Suit for ( LB )
CP-T Travel Free
CP-3" XXXS 41-54
CP-3.5" XXS 55-69
CP-4" XS 70-100
CP-4.5" S 100-130
CP-5" M 131-160
CP-5.5" L 161-190
CP-6" XL 191-230
CP-6.5" XXL 231-270
CP-7" XXXL 271-310
Note: You can change the pillow size within 7 days. Please keep the receipt and do not dismantle the inner package.
Size Hotline: +852 67671768 CS | +852 28537428